About me

I am working at Ant Group as a Senior Staff Engineer. Also I am an adjunct Senior Lecturer at the University of New South Wales (UNSW personal website) and an adjunct Researcher (Professor) at Chinese Academy Sciences(CAS).

I earned my PhD degree from UNSW under supervised by Scientia Professor Jingling Xue. And then I worked as a Research Associate at Compiler Research Group and cooperatively developed an inter-procedural dependence analysis tool SVF that is maintained by Dr. Yulei Sui.

Before joining Ant, I worked at Huawei as a Technical Expert of AI compiler. During the period, I am the founder of MindSpore/AKG (GitHub, Gitee) which is an open-sourced AI compiler for Huawei Ascend 910.

I lead the software engineering team responsible for maintaining and developing Ant Group’s DevSecOps. Our primary focus lies in developing practical program analysis platforms tailored for complex and extensive industrial codebases.

Recently, our team has been dedicated to integrating Large Language Models (LLMs) into real-world industrial scenarios, aiming to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of software development. The pretrained code LLM, CodeFuse, which was trained by our team at AntGroup, has been open-sourced on GitHub and HuggingFace. The technical report has been published on link.

Research Interests

  • Program Analysis, Software Engineering and Security, AI4SE
  • Programming Language and Compilation Techniques
  • Parallel Programming and Optimizations for Heterogeneous Systems


My team is looking for self-motivated technical experts, who are interested in program analysis, software security, AI4SE. Please no hesitate to contact me (dipeng dot dp at antgroup dot com), or visit link.

  • 2024-03: Our paper, titled “Generic Sensitivity: Generics-Guided Context Sensitivity for Pointer Analysis”, which was cooperated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Nanjing University, has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE).
  • 2023-12: Our two papers “CodeFuse-13B: A Pretrained Multi-lingual Code Large Language Model” and “MicroFuzz: An Efficient Fuzzing Framework for Microservices” are accepted by ICSE-SEIP 2024.
  • 2023-11: Our paper “Modeling the Interplay between Loop Tiling and Fusion in Optimizing Compilers using Affine Relations” was accepted by ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS). We are so fortunate to be the authors of one of the last round of TOCS publications since this journal is no longer accepting submissions and will cease publication after 2023.
  • 2023-09: The pretrained code LLM, CodeFuse, which was trained by our team at AntGroup, has been open-sourced on GitHub and HuggingFace. The technical report has been published on link.
  • 2023-04: Our paper “Hybrid Inlining: A Framework for Compositional and Context-Sensitive Static Analysis” is accepted by ISSTA 2023.
  • 2022-12: Our two papers “Incremental Call Graph Construction in Industrial Practice” and “Scalable Compositional Static Taint Analysis for Sensitive Data Tracing on Industrial Micro-Services” are accepted by ICSE-SEIP 2023.
  • 2022-12: Our SAST and SCA products officially enter the Chinese Product and Manufacturer List of Software Supply Chain Security.
  • 2022-10: I was invited to serve SANER 2023 as an industrial track PC member.
  • 2022-02: I was invited to join the Industry Advisory Board of Monash University.
  • 2022-01: Our two papers “Record and Replay of Online Traffic for Microservices with Automatic Mocking Point Identification” and “Field-based Static Taint Analysis for Industrial Microservice” are accepted by ICSE-SEIP 2022.
  • 2021-12: I was invited to introduce ANT’s AIOps on CCF ChinaSoft 2021. link
  • 2021-10: I was invited to present our unified program analysis framework on CCF CNCC 2021. link
  • 2021-03: Our paper “AKG: Automatic Kernel Generation for Neural Processing Units using Polyhedral Transformations” is accepted by PLDI 2021.
  • 2020-10: Our paper “Optimizing the Memory Hierarchy by Compositing Automatic Transformations on Computations and Data” gains Best Paper Nomination.
  • 2020-07: Our paper “Optimizing the Memory Hierarchy by Compositing Automatic Transformations on Computations and Data” is accepted by MICRO-53.
  • 2020-06: Our AKG is open-sourced. (GitHub, Gitee).